Friday, August 2, 2013

My Life at the Moment

Lets look at the many things taking place in my life right now.  I'm not complaining it could be a lot worse.  Actually, it's not bad! Well not all bad.  Here's my life at the moment: half marathon training, hair crisis, editing, blogging, planning & shopping for my much needed vacay to NYC, Paris, & London and crushing! <-- hella excited about it all except for this crushing thing!

Half Marathon training hasn't been too bad but I'm only in Week four of training.  Check back with me when we get into Week 8.  So, what does this training entail? I run 3 miles on Monday & Wednesday.  I usually get another run in on Thursday.  It's usually a short run 1.5 - 2 miles.  Saturdays are the long runs and each Saturday we run a mile farther than the previous week.  When we did our four miles it was hilly and the humidity was crazy.  Last week was five miles and it was one crucial hill.  I kept thinking to myself why the hell, (not hell but f**k) <-- almost unfiltered, did I sign up for this foolishness. So, you can expect a post regarding six miles.  It's rough but I think it will be worth it in the end.  Honestly, I just want one of those stickers for my car that says 13.1 miles and not be flaking out! LOL!  Anyway, we get homework assignments from the group facilitator.  Last week was to get hydration belts and those things are expensive.  While I'm on vacation, I will have to run 10 miles on Saturday for my long run.  I'll be running 10 miles on the streets of Paris. I hope this to be true but I will blog about my experience.

Hair Crisis - Well with all this running my hair is always in crisis mode.  I go to the salon once a week yet I still manage to look like a crazed woman by the head.  I'm slowly but surely learning to manage my hair.  I've always had dry scalp so running does not help the issue.  However, I'm learning that if I wash it between salon visits that it helps a lot.  My stylist is the bomb and she works with me to make sure I have all the necessary products. I love her! If you are ever in the metro Atlanta area, check out Jilli's Hair Salon on Canton Road Marietta, GA.  She specializes in natural hair too! And since I'm rocking short hair it is a lot easier.  So many people have suggested that I get braids or a sew-in.  I'm not that girl and it still won't help my dry scalp problem. So, I'll continue to manage the issue.  One day I'm going to pull an Olivia Pope on my hair, "It's handled".  Until then, I'll just manage it!

Editing - I've been spending a lot of time editing this series of novellas that I have written.  It was so easy to write them and I'm so excited.  But this editing has given me the blues.  I don't like editing my work.  I have the tendency to change things. So, I'm taking my time with editing and then I will see how I want to move forward with it all. To say I'm excited is an understatement!  So, don't be surprised when you see a post about my novella series being available on E-Readers!

Blogging - Well my friends this is my third post and I'm loving blogging. And I can't wait to get into some more in-depth topics.

Planning & Shopping for NYC and Europe - I'm still trying to wrap my head around my first out of the country experience. I love to travel! I knew I would travel abroad at some point but I'm so thrilled to be going to Paris and London! I definitely can't wait to blog about that experience and share pictures with you guys.  I hear the food is disgusting.  This makes me really sad.  OAN: I hear the wine, chocolate, and cheese are amazing.  Anyway, we are planning our tours to the major attractions and I'm planning my outfits.  I literally write down what I plan to take and when I plan to wear it.  LOL! We won't have every single detail planned but we are still planning nonetheless! Of course, shopping will take place! NYC will be exciting as well but we only have a day and half there before we head off to Paris so there won't be much planning to do.

Crushing - Sighs! Am I too old to be crushing? And is it weird that I'm crushing on a white guy? And why doesn't this crush feel like the ones in high school.  Don't get it twisted I get butterflies and all that other stuff but it seems more intense.  I don't know if its because he's white or what.  Crushing seems childish to me but then we all have to start somewhere. He's cool! I like him.  He likes me.  Well, I think he does most of the time.  Sometimes, I say stuff that makes him look at me with the side eye! He needs to understand that I'm almost unfiltered.  It be like that sometimes.  Anyway, I'm crushing on the white guy but I feel like I'm letting my black men down.  It's just a crush today anyway! LOL! I'm going to blog about interracial dating later.  In the meantime, I need to figure out why I feel like I'm betraying black men because I'm inexplicably attracted to men of another race now.  It seemed like it happened all of a sudden.  It was like I woke up one day and started peeping out white men. Nesha thinks it was "Fifty Shades of Gray".  Who knows... At any rate, these are the happenings in my life at the moment!

I may blog another topic in a few hours depending on how my work day starts out!


  1. Love it!!!! Haha you trynna get you a Christian Grey! I had to get a sew in bc the working out was KILLING my hair. I'm. Looking forward to your ebook

  2. Thanks Toya! Will you tell me how to add pictures? *Don't laugh at me* I'm not sure if it's Christian Grey I want or what? I just can't explain it... LOL! The problem with me and my hair is that it sweats so badly. A sew-in or braids wouldn't let it breath. And I've already had to deal with my hair not breathing when I sweat a lot and it was not a pretty sight.

  3. I think that it is super cool to crush at 30!!! If you are single, why not??? I am totally for crushing on a white guy. In my opinion, white guys are just as cute as the brothers!!


    1. Hey Ty! Well I guess if I wasn't cool I'll be in trouble since I'm definitely crushing. LOL! Why not is a good question and since I don't have a good reason not to crush...Let me crush on! And you are right white guys can be just as cute and even sexy as a brother.

  4. Haha great read. I just took my April braids out in June and I have already gotten my hair rebraided. The struggle is real!!! I'm tripping out on you and your crushes I have them as well but mostly reserves for celebrities. Johnny Depp can get it ;-)

    1. LOL! Yea, the struggle is real. I just can't do braids with my dry scalp. I would pull them out individually. Who knows maybe later on down the road. But Johnny Depp though! You are funny! He's a good celebrity crush. But Jake off Scandal (don't know his real name) is a good crush to have as well. You talking about SEXY! Oh well, I'm crushing!
