Friday, January 17, 2014

Scandal & Being Mary Jane... The Side Chick Argument!

These are my confessions...Just when I thought I said all I could say...My chick on the side said she got one on the way...These are my confessions!

LOL! I thought it would be cool to start this blog post with something like that.  Mission accomplished.  Lately, there has been the constant question of whether or not Scandal & Being Mary Jane are promoting being the side chick.  First off, let me say I haven't watched Being Mary Jane.  Secondly, I am a Scandal fan so I will try to be as unbiased as possible.  Lastly, I would like to address a couple other issues that I have discussed with individuals involving Scandal period.

Are these two shows advocating for side chicks? Scandal is just living up to it's name.  A married man, the President of the United States, cheating on his wife with a woman who happens to be Black.  I wonder if this would even be a debate if Olivia Pope was white? Just my question...  This show is about scandalous activity and what better scandal is there than a cheating spouse?  When Shonda Rhimes, who I perceive to be a genius, created the show I don't think her intention was to advocate for side chicks.  Now, have side chicks become intrigued and even encouraged?  Perhaps they have.  Whose fault is that? I can't say it's Shonda's or Kerry's.  People should learn how to separate scripted television and the reality of their lives.

I was having a conversation with a guy while getting my car serviced and he said he didn't like Scandal because their was no depiction of Black Love! I'm an advocate for Black Love.  Being that I am an advocate, I'm happy Shonda has strayed away from Black Love on the show.  The last thing I need is yet another negative image of Black Love.  Every relationship on Scandal involves a um scandal.  I am pleased that the Black men on the show are the "good guys" or at least trying to be the good guys.  Daddy Pope and Harrison.  The other question I was asked, "How do I feel about Olivia screwing a white guy? Why couldn't the President be Black?" I only have two points to make on this.  1) There would be less viewers if it was a Black mistress and Black President.  It boils down to ratings.  2) I would have been disappointed if the President was Black.  We just recently made history with a Black President and I wouldn't just won't that type of image out there.

So, maybe Scandal and Being Mary Jane have encouraged side chicks to behave a certain way.  But then the best way to test this theory is to poll side chicks to see what actually influenced their behavior.

These are just my opinions...I couldn't go into too much details since I didn't want to bore all of you with my thoughts!


  1. So as a woman who has been on both sides its a choice all the way around. Each person chooses to play their role (it used to be that the wife didnt know but not so much anymore). The man chooses to cheat with a woman who chooses to be second. TV SHOW or not people are responsible for their choices.... however the shows mentioned depict men who look genuinely torn and that's usually not the case either. I believe it is the responsibility of the two people in the marriage to uphold the marriage.

    1. I agree that it is definitely a choice unless the side chick has no idea. I've been there before. I also agree that the shows do depict these cheating spouses as unhappy and it hardly ever is the case. I think a lot of people are losing touch with reality though. These are just TV shows for our entertainment so I don't understand why people are bashing the shows b/c of the side chicks. I watch Scandal for the scandal and the other plots. It's an added bonus that an affair is taking place. But you know these are just my opinions. LOL!
