Monday, January 13, 2014

Dating... How much do you give or sacrifice?

I am trying this dating thing seriously in 2014...LOL! I have a slight dilemma though.  I'm not sure how much is too much to give or sacrifice.  Perhaps, what is too little.  Let's say you are feeling this person and both of you have crazy schedules his/her schedule is a tad bit crazier than yours.  However, the days he/she is free aren't good days for you.

I told myself that there are just some things I'm not willing to sacrifice and my running is one of them.  The times that I run makes it almost impossible to hang out or go out on dates the night before my run.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have to be up no later than 4:45 for my 5:15 run.  That's too early for me hang out the night before without being tired. Since, I am half marathon training again my Fridays are out as well being that Saturdays will be our long run days.

Running is my ME time and I'm just not willing to bend on that.  I'm just finding myself again after so long and I don't want to get lost.  So, what happens when two people are feeling each other but their schedules clash?  Am I being unrealistic about not sacrificing a little of my running time or better yet my sleep time to hang out?  I'm not sure what can become of this if two people schedules don't allow time for actual dating.

Any suggestions or comments?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Perhaps you can find a partner who loves to run as well. It can be an activity you like to do together. My husband loves to golf, so when we started dating I started golfing just to spend some time with him and it is the best decision I have ever made.

    1. I'm so late responding to this post... Sorry! It's so hard to find someone who enjoys running dark and early in the morning. I'm definitely interested in someone who shares some of my likes though. It will definitely make it easier to find activities that we can incorporate. I'm sure I will blog with an update later.
