Thursday, January 30, 2014

Balancing Life & Your Active, Healthy Lifestyle

When I decided to take on an active, healthy lifestyle I found it hard to balance everything I had going on in my life.  I still find it hard but there are adjustments I have made to make it a little easier.  First, I decided being active and healthy was a priority along with other things but I'm not willing to sacrifice too much if any in this area. 

Anyone who knows me knows I love to be busy.  I'm always working on various projects and ventures.  I work full-time, working with colleagues on starting a non-profit organization, online magazine, I AM HER Health & Fitness Series, writing and editing a novella series, and other small projects.  At first, I couldn't find a balance and my first response would be I'll workout/run another day.  Well, that wasn't very productive so I told myself I would make time.  What good will I be with all the ventures manifesting if I'm not healthy enough to enjoy them? NONE!

Here are a few of my tips: 1) Find a time that works for you.  For me, it's easier for me to run early morning before work.  2) Get you an accountability partner or have a group of individuals who have similar goals that can motivate and support you. 3) Proper planning and preparation.  I do what I call reset Sundays.  I plan my entire week and prepare.  I cook enough meals to last two or three days (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); layout and iron my work clothes for the week; clean and do laundry; and prioritize projects that need to be completed. 4) During the week, I decide what days I'm working on what and I work diligently until all tasks associated with that project are completed. 5) REST! I get plenty of rest.  Sometimes, it means going to bed early since I have early mornings.  I have a "Do Not Disturb" option on my phone.  This allows me to restrict calls during a certain time of the night.  I have mine set for 9 pm - 6 am.  This means I do not receive phone calls unless they are listed as a favorite, NO text messages or other notifications during these hours.  I have found this to be helpful whether I'm sleeping or working.  It limits my distractions. 7) Be Realistic.  I am realistic about what I can accomplish.  I would like to get everything done as quickly as possible but the reality of it is I'm only one person with so much time. 8) Sacrifice! I do a lot of this especially when I'm training. I really don't have a social life and I'm fine with it right now.  When I feel like I'm at my wits end I go out.

Besides working out actually gives you energy!  Just remember where there is no sacrifice, there is no real struggle, and where there is no real struggle there is no real REWARD!

Ladies if you need that additional support and motivation follow my I AM HER group on FB!  I will also begin documenting my Fit Journey in February so follow that on FB as well! It should be interesting while I strive to get healthier, stronger and faster!


  1. I needed this WHOLE list and I will definitely bebe implementing some of these things into my life TODAY!!!!!

    1. Honey, we could all use a few tips. Please feel free to share any that you have as well. It's had to balance but not impossible! :)
